Monday, September 5, 2016

Labour Day

We are in Canada so today, our calendar says it is

It is celebrated on the first Monday in September.

It is supposed to be a day to relax and enjoy the last days of summer. 

Here is our dadbean, but we don't think he is relaxing.  He has his work gloves on.

I know how to relax

Me too!  Although I think I heard something out on our deck.

It is "Miss Kitty" , she lives a few houses away.
No manners though!  She is on our deck and lying on our patio table.

What nerve!
Time for you to return home, it is nearing 6:00pm and you are not allowed out after that bye, bye!

Hope everyone is safe from the hurricane threats, we are only supposed to get some rain tomorrow.



Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Labour Day furcousins!
Good to know you kitties know how to enjoy holidays :)
Miss Kitty has some nerve teasing you kitties by lounging on your deck.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

The Island Cats said...

Looks like you all know how to celebrate Labor Day. Your dad bean needs to take a lesson from you. :)

Summer said...

It seems to me you kitties know how to enjoy Labor Day more than your humans!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Belated happy Labour Day to you! Miss Kitty is very rude to put her furs on your patio table.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We see all you cats, even Miss Kitty, know how to relax and take a break from your labours. Not so your humans! We're glad you had a good Labour Day holiday. :-)

Goldie and Banshee said...

Looks like you guys had a relaxing Labour Day! Us as well. Purrs.

Forty Paws said...

Thank you for your kind words about G.T.'s crossing over. He is truly missed here at Forty Paws.

LP said...

Happy Labour Day weekend! It looks as though the kitties enjoyed it to the fullest :)

the critters in the cottage xo

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy Labour Day ! Purrs

da tabbies o trout towne said...

M & M....we did a lot oh de same type oh werk ewe did...N we waz eggz hausted & kneaded ta nap aterurr werdz ~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Looks like the humans need a little more help understanding what a day off is for

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT cooked 2 Whole chickens AND a big chunk of pork the whole day. He left one chicken free of nasty spices JUST FER US! Is that cool or what?