Seven Random or Weird Facts About Us.We were tagged by
Mickey for this
Here are the rules:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven
random people at the end of your post, and include links to their
blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a
notification on their blog.
Okay here goes:

#1 - Mindy - Whenever I see mom with the camera now, I react. Sometimes I stretch and
#2 - Moe - I LOVE food, even bean food. Do other cats like those little crackers shaped like fish? Mom calls them 'goldfish', but I think they smell like cheese.
#3 - Mindy - When Moe walks by, I will give him a quick whap to see if he'll chase me. I have some places I can get into but he can't......nah, nah, n'nah.
#4 - Moe - I eats my food really fast, then I run over to Mindy's dish and scoop as many crunchies out of hers as I can before she's finished.
#5 - Mindy - I love scritches around my ears especially. Sometimes I follow mom into the bathroom and hop into her lap when she's on the throne - she says I need my nails cut.
#6 - Moe - I let mom sleep in until 6:00 am these days. My treat for mom, aren't I a good mancat?
# 7 - Mindy - mom is the only one I will allow to give me tummy rubs, which I love. I will flip over and demand she give me those rubs.
We will tag:
Chance BondBebe, Tiger or BensonPuffSunny and RascalThe Crew - George, Tipper, Max or MistyOur list is a bit short - we had ta take some off this list cause they got tagged already - but anyone can do this if dey wants to.....Mindy & Moe.

I like comfy spots for my nap.........Moe