It seems mom and dad are going away tonight. They are going out of town until the weekend. No one is available to help us wif our blog. Tall Son is no good wif blogs at all. He doesn't even like blogs. Guess what? He doesn't read ours.
We thought we should make the most of things and post some pictures at least.
I am, bored wif da picture taking.......Moe
There's that flashy box again (sigh).
Wasn't too bad this time, mom figured out how to take a picture this evening wifout using the flashy gizmo. Ahhh, sweet relief..........Mindy

Mom wanted us to put these pictures on our blog. Huh, it's stuff that she has in da kitchen. She thinks its cool "cat" themed things. Beans are really weird. "None" of these actually look like real cats, nope, never. We didn't want to hurt her feelings, tho.

For instance, this one, orange with purple stripes!

And this big plate, hanging over the door to "our" room. Good thing she didn't remember to get a picture of da curtains!

Hope they won't be gone too long, we might get lonely. Tall Son will be away day hunting or sometimes it's night hunting - he never tells us ahead of time. He doesn't understand the importance of giving us our meals and snacks on time - he's not well

We won't run out of food in da meantime - we gots a big bag and some cans of stinky goodness. Eating is a good way to pass the time until they get back.