The Photo Hunters Scavenger Hunt was started by tnchick, and anyone can play along.
Now being cats, the two of us aren't especially good at figuring out what time it is according to the clock. Therefore we can't accurately 'tell' time. However, we DO have a great 'sense' of time. We know when it is time to eat. We get our beans up before the alarm clock goes off. Ok, ok, sometimes we can't wait for breakfast and we push our luck with getting our people up too far ahead of the alarm, but we's always hungry for breakfast. It is the most important meal of da day, mama even said so.

Here I am with a time device, it works different from a clock, or our cat intuition. It is an egg timer. You turn it over and when da blue sand runs into the bottom part of the glass - the eggs are ready to take out of da boiling water. We're not sure how long dat is though.
Mindy: According to that timer, enough 'time' has passed to cook da eggs. Better go alert mom, Moe.