I am also known as 'Bono' at the place where I am living now because my old nickname "Bonnie" didn't suit a mancat, mombean says. She found out that I am sixteen years old. I could have told her that, but I let her figure it out for herself.

Mombean says I always look this sad, even when I am happy.
When I needed a home, my new family took me in. That was about two years ago, or maybe it was three, I don't keep track.
When I was at my old home, I was a 'scaredy-cat because there was a lot of other cats there too, and some were bullies. I spent a lot of time on my own in the kitchen on a window sill. It was okay though, but I was very happy to leave there and come to live here, where I am now. I get along with my new buddies that came here before me.
My favorite things in life are mealtimes, sleeping, watching water run out of the tap and getting attention from my beans. I give purrs and headbutts when I am content, but still all low-key expressions of affection. I have been known to chase the occasional feather thingy, but that stuff is for the younger kitties here - you know, the ten year old ones.
I have a favorite cardboard box lined with a soft towel to curl up in. If you have any questions for me, you will find me asleep in my box.