Cookie on Wednesday: I'm giving a bit of an update --
All of your purrs, purrayers and good thoughts have been working for me - a big THANK YOU!! Even though I am still without sight, I'm a much happier mancat. Confusion is now being replaced with routines and I can find things better. Mombean helped me figure out how to get in and out of my 'room' (the giant-sized woofie crate) . It has a lip on the front about 4 inches high, so mombean left the door open and put my front paws up over it onto the floor outside and left my hind paws inside it, and I went out like this a few times. Now that I know I am not going to fall of a cliff, I go in and out on my own now, which is good 'cause that's where my things are.
Mike comes in and hangs out wif me, just like old times, but he has a habit of helping himself to my snacks. I got lots of those and mombean says I have even put on some weight. She and da vet worried I wasn't eating and drinking enough - ha! That stinky goodness I get sure is yummy.
I'll update if I have more news to share and once again thanks so much for your support, it has meant a lot to all of us!! The CB is so caring.
Cookie: I'm much calmer today. Yep, that means that I wasn't when I woke up at the vet hospital and couldn't see anything. Since I can't see to get around, I need a safe place to stay when no one is around to help me, like at night.
At first I fought being my new 'room'. I tipped over my water dish and then walked through my litter box, of course I shook my paws. Mom said I was messy, the wet litter makes a kind of mud which dries like cement.

Mombean had to put me in a tub with a couple of inches of water. Yuck.

That was okay because I couldn't really clean my feet with all that litter clay on them.
Then she had to clean the tub.

My beans got me a new kind of litter called silica crystals.

I tried walking on it and it sounds crunchy and feels strange, but I'm getting used to it. I can't make as much mess with it - oh well, fun while it lasted. Even though it is low, I am still sometimes missing the box. My new 'room' is such a nuisance.
My favorite thing to do though is get comfortable in my new bed, which is in
'my' our office and guide mombean through our blog posts when I know she is at the computer.

As you can see I take frequent snooze breaks. These pictures show I have no tail, that is because I am also a cancer survivor and have had my tail tumor removed a year and a half ago. That adjustment wasn't as hard as this one is.
Hope everyone is having a good day.