Today we want to tell you about our "Not Of My Species Special Friend"
Poppy, the little blonde chihuahua. On Wednesday our friend had to have emergency surgery to repair a ruptured disc in her back. She was a very brave little woofie. Today she hopes to leave the vet and go home. She will have to be on strict crate rest for the next two weeks. She is usually very, very active, but now she is hurty and has to stay quiet.
Poppy's mom and dad found her at the Santa Cruz SPCA in 2005, where she was recovering from a broken pelvis. She was just a puppy then. They took very good care of her and adopted Poppy! If any of our visiting friends want to drop by Poppy's blog and cheer her up - she would really like that.

Please get well soon, Poppy.

Love from us both.