The Photo Hunters Scavenger Hunt was started by tnchick, and anyone can play along.
Hello everyone. The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is 'support'. Our mombean and dadbean are always telling us they need to 'support' our love of tasty treats. At first we really didn't understand what this means. Then they showed us what they use to get us our yummy treats. Here is a photo.

These are coins. They don't smell or taste very good.
However, if you take these to the store you can trade them for bags of our favorite treats in the whole world - Temptations - ummmm, yum, yum.

Humans love to carry lots of these coins around with them and trade them for all kinds of things. We wonder though, where they get them in the first place. Our dad and mom beans claim they gets them from their day hunting jobs. It takes a LOT of these coins to 'support' our bags of crunchies, stinky goodness and treats - maybe a truckload at least.
We appreciate their efforts, we really do. Here is a picture of us enjoying some crunchies that 'accidentally' fell on our floor.

We hope our legs will 'support' us after we finish eating our fill!
One more thing, we got our mom to (finally) open the Chicken flavoured Temptations bag!