Thanks to our friends at
The Kitty Krew we have been given the
"Oops I Ate It Award".

The rules for this award are:
"When accepting this award you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans weren't watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must be a very good pup or kitty. You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward!!! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving them a message on their blogs."
Well how did they know? We adore stealing food, especially the bean's foods. We sometimes break into our own container of crunchy food because Moe is an expert at pushing the container off of the counter at which point the cover usually comes off. Then we all dig in.
Mike is our resident scavenger. He once ate a frozen mushroom off the floor but that is not stolen food of course. However, packages of sliced bread must be kept in the cupboard and never left on the counter because he will rip these open and have a snack.
Moe is the one that prys open the upper cupboard searching for tasty bags of Temptations. He finds them too, and knocks them onto the floor. Yay.
We already blogged a few days ago about the banana bread that "some one of us" nibbled on.
Any of us will steal from an open bag of potato chips but,we guess by now, you know who the main culprits are!
We are passing on this award to:
ReeseThe Island CatsJasmimDerbyRoxy and LuckySeaThreePeeOWe don't have any caught "in the act" food stealing photos, ha, ha. However here are our Easy Sunday Photos.



