This first picture introducing Bono was created using a digital artwork kit from Twisted Challenges
Since this is Mancat Monday, we would like to introduce our new mancat, Bon Bon. We are calling him "Bono". Sometimes Tall Son calls him Whitety. He is 13 years old as far as we know. His former owner has passed away so he needed a home.
At first, we were very annoyed that our beans would even think of bringing him here. So, we had a decision to make - does he stay? or does he not?

After two weeks with us - we decided - he can stay.

We have lots of space and hide-y spots for all of us. Bono is much faster at going up and down stairs now. He wasn't used to stairs. He has discovered how cool our attic is and likes to go up there when strange beans come to visit. In fact, the afternoon is siesta time anyway and we usually all go off to our favorite spots....unless something exciting is going on. Mom sometimes has trouble finding, huh?

Bono has always been an indoor cat, so he doesn't mind being inside and looking out the windows.