The rules for this award are simple:
1. To link to the person who passed you this prize.
2. Display the badge, the rules and the questionnaire in all or one of your blogs
3. To publish the date when the award had passed to you.
4. To answer four questions following this rule.
5. To list at least seven (7) friends in its list of blogs.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List..
7. Have fun!
Here are our answers!
We received the award from: Jasmim
The date: Monday, May 25, 2009
We wish to send the award on to:
Roxy & Lucky
The Island Cats
Furry Paws
Cats of Wildcat Woods
Faz the Cat
Cliff and Olivia
Other news:
We gots a brand new trash can for da kitchen. Take a look!

Heavy duty, heh! It has a metal fastener on the lid, so that when our buddy, Mike, pushes it over, he can't drag out the trash and spread it over the kitchen floor. Aunty Bean found this trash container for mombean. So far - so good!

Come on, Mike, we know it's you. You sure make a racket in da kitchen, then we hear mom bean running to see what you are doing. Mombean says you always have your mouth open hollerin' for food.

See, here's another one of you doing that

After all that fuss Mike, did you get enough enuff to eat? Anyway we saw mombean smiling at the trash can, do you think she's a little stressed this morning?