Our place is
old ancient. It has lots of hide-y places. We love to play 'hide and seek' games. Here is me (Moe) in a cubbyhole under some stairs. I don't think Mindy will find me here. This might make a good place to stash my extra Temptations.....except I don't have any 'extras', I ate them! I am not the only one to have a stash in here, hee, hee.....must be mom's green bottle.

Actually it's MY turn to hide. I don't think Moe will find me (Mindy) here behind this table....I think I blend in quite well.....he'll never find me.

Oh, no, we didn't invite that Angel cat to join in our hide-y game, but there he is peeking in our window - okay, Moe you better get up there on the chair and scare him off. It's the mancat thing to do. Goodness, mom says she has never heard such snorting, growling and hissing.

Great, Angel is gone now. This is a picture of our yard. Angel cat lives on the other side of the trees where you can see the red oak in this picture. Angel seems to think our yard is his yard too, he is always coming over. We have to work hard to chase him off. We think we deserve extra Temptations treats for this.