Our friend Tiger Lily tagged us for a book meme. Ha, ha, this is a different sort of meme and seems fun. We has to find da nearest book. Well mom has three on her night table, and we picked the most interesting one to us.
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to Tiger Lily once you have posted it.
Da book we chose is called "The Cat Who Went Up the Creek" by Lilian Jackson Braun.
"Sometime during the night, the arrangement changed; in the morning
Qwilleran was sharing his pillow with Yum Yum, and Koko was snuggled into the crook of his knee. So began. . . A Day in the Life of the
Richest Man in the Northeast Central United States.
First, he fed the cats and policed their commode."
Mom has a bunch of books like this by the same author. Then she passes them on to da next fambly member who hasn't read that particular one yet.
We will tag, lemme see, ah, how about Black Cat and DaisyMae Maus and Derby, The Sassy Cat.
Update on Moe. He is still feeling a bit sick, so he is taking the blog day off. Mom gotted him to take his first dose of da pink medicine. hee, hee.