Some of you wondered, yesterday, what we was lookin' at. We did look content and happy - the picture of calm. WELL, that all changed in a hurry.
Moe: Oh........oh......oh. How rude! Look at that, enough to get my furs in a fankle.

Mindy: (the voice of reason)

Introoder Alert!!. Here is the cause of our intense looking out da windows yesterday.
This stranger was on 'r steps! Acting as if it wasn't OUR deck.

We hadda put da run to dis trespasser. We hasta make sure our yard is safe from strangers! Mom is wondering if dis is da cat what whapped Angel (mancat next door to us) in da eye and made it hurty - she likes him - Angel - that is (a' member us tellin you dat she likes him?). Da crisis is over now, we can go back to hoping efurryone will have a good week.