We Pay Tribute to Skie
by Moe & Mindy
Skie went to Rainbow Bridge a little over a year ago…no, wait…. this isn’t a sad story at all. We would like to tell you about our awesome foster furbrother. He was with us for a year and a bit. He needed a new home, the place where he was had too many cats for him and he got really stressed out. Skie needed peace and quiet because of his heart condition. At the time he came with us, he was eight years old. You could say he was what the ‘beans call “high-strung”. Well he came to the right place cause we are perfect mannered, quiet kitties.
Well, Skie, couldn’t quite take ‘perfect’. He set out to change all that. We were taught not to get up on the tables, counters etc. There was no stopping him, he taught us lotsa cool stuff. We looked up to him, and there was never a serious argument. We loved it when he would get up on the microwave box above the counters and then mom would come along to use it and get freaked out when she saw him staring down at her.

Skie ate almost every plant, vase of flowers in the house….and mom definitely loved her flowers. She tried hanging them up…..well you get the picture. He was an indoor cat because he was declawed. However, did that stop him from getting out? We never saw a cat move so fast! To keep him in, the door would have to be closed ALL the time. Well he eventually leaned how to push open the screen door too, and out he went.
Skie wasn’t afraid of visitors to our home. He would let ‘beans approach him and allow them only 5 pats on the head – not more. If there were more attempts, he would hiss, yowl and swat at the perpetrator….(he was clawless remember) Then he would walk around the room growling. Some ‘beans were afraid of him. Mom, dad and Tall Son simply got used to his antics. He never really hurt anyone, and some ‘beans were downright amused by him. His favorite thing was to get on mom’s (or dad’s) chest when she was lying down to read or watch TV. Then he would curl up on her and purr up a storm……the picture of peace and contentment. We were never sorry we took him in. He was active and happy until he left us and we all miss him a lot. We have lots of wonderful memories.
PS - we still get up on the counters and tables, just like Skie taught us – mom just hates that.