We want to thank
Sunny for giving us the Kreativ Blogger Award.

Upon receiving this award, we are to list 6 things that make us happy, then we are to tag 6 other blogs. Here goes:

1. Stinky goodness, especially the pouches with gravy
2. Crunchies. By the way, I don't understand why I can't have them at 4:30 am 'cause I'm powerful hungry then.
3. Hunting. I just love catching the mousies that sometimes get in my howse.
4. Sleeping, especially in a warm place and where I can see what's going on.
5. My beans, I always greet them at the front door when they come home.
6a. My spot on the window sill, where I can watch the birds and scare off the introoder cats.
6b. I love nip.

1. Mombean makes me happy. I look for lots and lots of scritchies.
2. My basket in the attic, it's so peaceful there.
3. I am happy when I tease Moe, he always reacts. Great fun.
4. Stinky goodness, yum.
5. Running up and down the stairs at top speed.
6. Sitting in the window and looking out at the world. I used to live outside, but now it's a scary place.

1. I am very happy in my new home.
2. I realized I like being a lap cat
3. Getting scritchies from the beans
4. Happiest when I get stinky goodness
5. My cardboard box on top of the mini fridge by the window
6. A little spot of milk, mmmmmm, so tasty.
We will tag:
JasmimTiger LilyRoxy and LuckyCats of Wildcat WoodsJB's Big World