Mindy: Can you see me?

I am helping mom. We are in da attic and mom has some sewing she wants to do. Dat's where mom sews and puts alla her sewing
junk things. I like to nap behind her chair. It's kinda cramped for a bean, but just right for me. I love to hang out up there. Lots of hide-y places too.
Guess what? Moe is a scairty-cat! Last night there was some thunder rumbling. Nothing big though. We were having supper, and right after a (small) boom, Moe ran off to hide. But not me, I got to eat my dinner in peace wifout him wantin' ta share mine. I am beautiful and brave.

Tall Son is getting my picture again.
Look! I have lazer eyes and my tongue is sticking out. Mom, can you show him how to get a better one of me? She says that the camera's on-board flash is awful and that you have to be careful taking photos. Time for him to take some pictures of Mindy now.......yeah practice on her for a while.