We are having another winter storm, lots of snow out there. Our beans were busy all day. Mom bought a tester for wall plugs. Ever since then the beans are all over the house checking and checking. Dey found a few feet of old wiring dat dey thought ought to be replaced or removed. Does wiring has feet? We gots tired of watching them go upstairs and downstairs.......if dey went to the kitchen, well that's different. We kept careful watch, in case the cold box got opened - lots a good stuff in dare.
I kept my usual vigil looking out da window. I saws a tuxie cat out there near the bird feeder. I was about to show that intruder that he was trespassing, but mom went out just then to fill the bird feeders, but I coulda scolded and put the fear into that intruder.

Humm, okay, this is prolly not my best 'vigilant at the window' picture. Blogger did this!
My turn -
Mindy - Since it was a 'stay put' at home day on account of da snow, I gots some lap time wif mom. That was until Moe disturbed me. He was chasing around like crazy at one point. Oh, that was too much for me. I just had to bounce off mom's lap and go see what he was doing.

Turned out to be nothing. However, Moe thought "I" was coming to whap him or something. Next thing he's chasing me and I had to run to my special hiding spot. Well, he knows where it is, but he never bothers me there. In fact I have several special spots, all mine, hee, hee.