......I made a blog post. Meaning me, Cookie.

See me here hard at work. No one else around here seemed inclined. Maybe that is because we are finally having some nice, hot, summer weather and everyone else in da house is outside or snoozing. I will do my best.....hummmm, now, how do I upload? Hope I do this right. Here are a few more photos.
Here's Mindy and Mike taking it easy -

I found Moe. Guess where?

Yup, in da kitchen. Notice he is on the counter? He will get in trouble.
I found Bono right behind him.

Bono is another food seeker. He loves a little splash of milk once in a while - like every time the fridge door opens.
This little buddy comes to our window feeder.

We find it to be
tasty looking , I mean entertaining.
One more pic for today's post .....

Mom is so happy the deer didn't find her one Stargazer lily plant. It has six, count 'em, blooms this year. Life is good.
Have a good day everyone..... purrs from Cookie