The Photo Hunters Scavenger Hunt was started by tnchick, and anyone can play along.
Mom said we could look thru her photos to find today's unique and/ or funny Photo Hunt post. We found one we really like and we think it is also furry funny. We cats appreciate humour and we likes a good laugh.....and, er, maybe this is no joke!!

We asked mom what sort of 'persecution' the violators wood gets. She says she thinks they wood be tossed into Lake Okeechobee and told to 'swim for it'.......yikes! When our beans were there they didn't test the rools of the South Florida Water Management District. We wouldn't eefur because we've never had to swim for our lives and that might be very scarity.
Mindy: Do you think there are 'gators in dare, Moe?

Moe: Of course, Mindy, there would be gators.......(gasp) so NO going fur any swim in da "big lake" whatever da reason!

Now if you are brave yoo can look at a pic mom took on the Tamiami Trail, FL.........remember please, don't look if you are squeamish, cause this is an eeeewwwwww photo.

Happy Photo Hunting everyone.