Mike - I found a great place that's cooling to lie on. Can you guess where I am?
Bono - I love the heat. I am lying in the sun, soaking up the rays.
Moe - I found a comfy spot on the floor. Now if I could have a snack, too, I'd call this a perfect day.
Mindy - I like this comforter, it's soft and cozy. The mancats don't come in here very often, and that suits me fine.
Cookie - It's portrait time. I thought I'd show you my handsome face and my whisker bumps.

We received the "You Are An Inspiration Award" from Brian and we are so pleased he passed this on to us!
Though we are not 'new' bloggers, Brian is a 'new' friend with an inspirational blog of his own! Thank you, Brian!
Now we would like to pass this award on to Tillie and Georgia. Besides being our furcousins, they have inspired us over the years with their own terrific blog, so we would like to show our appreciation!