Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sunday with Drizzle

That is what our humans call the tiny bits of moisture that we had today.

That is okay with us.
We can use the time for some long naps.

There is not much activity out in our yard.  
Oh well, I can practice sleeping positions in my favorite that I think about it, all the padded chairs are my favorites.

 I am in my favorite chair.
Just my size, purrfect

 Still very humid and damp.  That makes me hungry.
I wonder what I can get into....I mean, I wonder what goodies I might "find" in the kitchen....on the counters.

 When I want a snack, I just bide my time and look really, really cute. 
I have a small but persistent voice.

 fillet 'o fish
 Ah, this is my idea of a tasty snack

Check out what it says on the sign.
  Halfway to the North Pole.   That is, IF you wanted to go there, you would be halfway there.

Guess what, we are not going there.

PS the mastadon in the photo is not real because they are no worries..... and have a great day everyone!



Katie Isabella said...

SWEETHEARTS! Thank you for coming to seem! It's an HONOR! Mike, you look just like a mancat should and Mindy, you are THE single most feminine girl I have seen in a long long time! WJAT a glorious face and those EYES! I wish I had met the Ones Who Came Before. But at least I get to meet you two. xoxox

Mickey's Musings said...

It's good to have fave napping spots.
We do too!
We had lots and lots of rain early this morning, then it stopped.
Drizzle makes for good napping weather ;)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

The Island Cats said...

We did a lot of snoozing today too. Yesterday we got a lot of rain...which we really needed. Today was pretty cloudy all day with just a little bit of rain.

Summer said...

That halfway to the North Pole place looks like the kind of thing my human would visit!

Kea said...

Drizzle makes everyone want to nap, we suspect, including a lot of bipeds (well, ours anyway!). Mercifully, we had rain, real rain, on Saturday and Tuesday's forecast is for more.

The fish and chips look mighty tasty to our human; you're making HER hungry! :-)

Purrs for a great week and thanks for stopping by the Musings blog.

The Swiss Cats said...

Snoozing sounds like a good plan when the weather is humid. Too bad that the mastodon is extinct, he looked like a nice guy MOL ! Purrs


Snoozing during the rain showers is a good thing. WE do that too.

We hope you all have a great week!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

M & yur talkin grate day.....snoozin with a hint oh rain ta bring out wermz and FILL AYE OH FISH !!!!!!! ☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥....oh, N we dinna noe ewe guyz lived that kinda close two de dood in red ! awesum ☺☺

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We like drizzle, cuz while it is still wet it is quiet. The hard rains that hit the roof bother us. Like, what if it breaks through the roof?

Be sure ta come ta my 6th Birfday Pawty tomorrow 16th! It may be our best yet... ~ MARLEY

Anonymous said...

You two are really gorgeous, Kitties :) Pawkisses for a Happy WW :) <3

Mariodacat said...

Hi again pals. I'm trying to figure out how to follow your blog. I flipped thru the little pictures of your followers to see if I'm there, and I'm not. Can you tell me how to follow you please. I even looked for a "Follow By Email" thing, but didn't see that either.