Wednesday, August 10, 2016

We Need Rain!!

There are forest fires in our area, this causes us to smell smoke which is very irritating to everyone and us kitties too.

If you have spare rain,  send some of those clouds our way, please.

We had our neighbour kitty come over for her visit and here she is on our deck.

 Miss Callie is her name.  Her humans are our neighbors.  However, they stole her furs!!!

Mom says they gave her the 'lion' cut.


No thanks, no lion cut for me

 Miss Callie, would like to come in!
 But, I, Mike, am guarding the door.

Good thing, too.

Hope everyone, has a great (non smokey) day!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Miss Callie probably feels a lot cooler right now, with that lion cut!

We heard about your big forest fire in Kejimkujik Park. Ugh. Hope they're able to bring it under control.

We have no rain to spare, parts of our region are in a level 3 drought and people are being asked to cut water use by 50%. In the 20 years our biped has been living here, she's *never* seen it so dry or so hot for so long. It's been terrible for crops, trees, etc.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I love lion cuts.. and she looks pretty impressive with hers.

Marg said...

Miss Callie is a pretty kitty with her lion cut. Good for you Mike to guard the door. Don't want any visitors.

Brian's Home Blog said...

My Sister Sascha loves her lion cut! Y'all can have some of our rain. We needed it too but now it won't stop!

Summer said...

We've had a fire down here too in southern California - if you get any rain, could you send some down here?

Anonymous said...

I love that hair cut is so grrrwwngg LOL

da tabbies o trout towne said...

~~~~~ waves two yur naybor gal guys......hey ewe gorgeouz...ewe ree mind uz oh R naybor gal...turtle !!! ☺☺☺

hope ewe get sum rain soon....N we hope de firez get put out N stay out

bee safe pleez ♥♥♥

The Island Cats said...

We think a lot of places need rain. We know we could use some.

CATachresis said...

I will happily send you some of our rain!! Sounds like you really need it!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are short on rain here but not horribly. We will try to send you half of what we get forecast.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh kitties, I would love to send you some of ours. And she looks beautiful in her Tortie lion cut! Fine figure of a girl.