Moe: I am considering. What is my plan for today? Do I need a plan?
Bono: I definitely have a plan. You are currently viewing my plan for today.

Last Monday, the 24th of November, it was a beautiful day. Perfect for the opening of lobster season on our shore. Anyone out there like lobster?

This day is called 'setting day', that's when you are allowed to set your lobster pots into the water - if you have a license.
Here are some of the pots or traps, both traditional wooden and more modern wire ones. No matter, both types are heavy.

There was a snowstorm two days before opening season, so these traps are filled with snow. Also bait and weights.

The day after 'setting' day is 'looking' day. Rules are firm, one must not haul the traps and look for lobster before this.

In less than half an hour, this fishing boat was off to another part of the bay to set the traps. The season will last until the end of May, however, most of the 'catch' will occur by the end of December in this bay. After December the water gets colder and the lobsters tend to stop crawling into the traps and the catch falls off. It is also very cold and damp for fishing later on, so some of the traps are taken out when fewer lobsters are caught. Each area in our province has its own lobster season. When it is open in our bay, it is closed somewhere else.
It is very hard work to do this type of fishing, so we are glad we are cats and if all goes well, maybe our beans will buy a lobster and share it with us.