We are joining in the Caterday fun over at
Sidewalk Shoes
We thought it sounded like fun!
Moe and Mindy
We are watching our version of "tv" for cats. It is quite entertaining. So far we have seen the big, fat pheasant. It comes every day. So do a couple of squirrels that fight over the seeds, although there are lots to go around. Also, of course, are the various birds, like blue jays, chickadees, mourning doves. Always something to watch.
I am blind unfortunately so I do not spend time at the window. I do love, however, to get lots of attention from my humans especially if they bring me treats.
I am the newest kitty adopted into our household, however, it is a toss-up as to who, me or Cookie, is the oldest. I am the most vocal and the biggest kitty here. I was a 'foster failure' because my former home did not work out, however I love it here and I own everything in this house, but don't tell the other kitties.
The days are getting longer
It is now after 5:00 pm for sunset in the west.
Turn around towards the east to see the moon rising
The last two photos were taken a couple of days ago.... no sunshine or any sign of the moon today!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thank you so much for linking up!!! We appreciate it and hope some other kitties find us!
Hey furcousins, this looks fun :)
We have been snoozing and watching Window TV too.
We saw some ducks today.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, you have some adorable cats, my cat says hello :-)
You have a pheasant? We don't even know what a pheasant is, not really. We've never seen one and aren't likely to, in real life. Wow. Sounds like awesome bird TV!
Have a lovely Sunday evening and a great week!
You have some pretty cool Bird TV!
that wall coloring in the room with the Bird TV is very pretty..
It looks like you all had a nice Caturday - and how awesome is that, that you get Pheasant TV!
You all have such nice photos :)
Cookie, the Mom is blind, too. Hers says there is still lots to experience, even if you can't see it. Nice smells, comfortable blankies, soothing sounds....and maybe some of your fursibs will tell you what they are seeing out the window so you can experience it vicariously!
What a wonderful way to spend the weekend!
Looks like you are all having fun in your favorite weekend ways! Purrs and kisses to all...
Oh you are all precious. I love seeing you and knowing what you think about everything as well as your home. xoxox
You have a wonderful home and really great cat parents who care with love and treats around you. I like the first photo very much. Moe and Mindy in the sunlit windows. It shows the loving atmosphere just like the pictures of sleeping Cookie and Mike.
Love an greetings Christiane
A fat pheasant ?!
How I wish that I could see that from my window !!
Well sounds like a lot of fun. Our Sqwerrls went away so we may have to order some new ones from SqwerrlsRUs. Hi Mike and Cookie!
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