This is how you spend Tuesday. I mean mom just finished vacuuming the sofa and getting rid of our cat fur - now I have the hard job of putting all that fur back on it. It is hard work, I need a rest.
Don't tell my humans, but this table is where I found this lovely sunspot!
I got this chair first and it's way at the end of the living room. It is quiet and cozy here.
While the other cats are getting their 'easy on', I think I will do some bird watching or hunt around in the kitchen to see what's cooking. In any case I want to wish everyone a great Tuesday.
We all think that is a lovely way to spend a tuesday.
You all have a plan to have a wonderfull day! Clever Cats:)
the critters in the cottage xo
You all seem to be having a great Tuesday, each in your own way. :-)
wow so much diverse activity going on in your house.
It's so nice to see that everybody has their spot and activity - no conflict of interest!
meowloz guys anda happee ton oh trout twoozday ta everee one at TT frum TT...N cookie...noe ewe don't !~~~~
You are four beautiful kitties, and we wanted to thank you for stopping by our new blog to say hello!
All of you kittehz have great ideas! We'll start with looking for some sunpuddles here, first.
Happy Tuesday.
Hey furcousins, we spent the day snoozing too.
Lucky for us Mom was not around to bother us with that flashy box!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
and Angels Tiger and Tillie
Ah, Moe. I hate to tell you, but I think the humans already know you are on the table! MOL!
Happy Tuesday efurryone!
Cookie, we hope the Bird TV is good. All the others will just snooze and lose. ;)
Looks like you all are having a good Tuesday.
I know just how you feel. I need to fur up the sofa all over again too.
At least one of you moves ! I have a dormitory here too !
sounds like a perfect Tuesday to me
That sounds like a really terrific Tuesday (or any day, for that matter)! :)
You all look like you're having a fantastic Tuesday.
What a bunch ov handsum kittiez!! and what a Grrrreat way to spend de day! ^.,^ x5
"Thank You" fur stopping by wif your Condolencez az Sunny made hiz way to de Bridge. It waz furry thoughtful ov you ~ ^..^ x5 ♥♥♥♥♥
We agree, it's VERY hard work refurring a sofa!
Wow, it looks like all of you had a great Tuesday!
Purrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William
I need to rest too!!!!!
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