Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tabby Tuesday with Moe

It sure is nice outside and the temps are hot....for a change. I prefer some cooling breezes along with the sunshine though.

Mombean went outside to get photos of this rhododendron. It has been around for years 'n years. It finally bloomed. She loves the colour.

Oh, and this tasty tidbit feathered creature spends lots of time in our yard.

Mom says it's a White Throat-ed Sparrow....um, yeah, thanks for the lesson but they're all yummy ... oops,I mean...all the same to me.

Then there's this very green stuff (Solomon's Seal says mom)

These yellow things, too, which we have only because the deer don't like eating them.

Did you all enjoy Moe's pathetic garden tour?


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like the garden--but I like you better!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We like the garden tour, especially the fevver. It looks like you're talking in the first picture.

Parker said...

Oh we love gardens!
It was a very nice tour!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They are pretty photos of your garden. The fev-ver looks interesting,

The Island Cats said...

Yeah, we enjoyed Moe's tour! We liked that tasty looking birdie the best!