Saturday, June 21, 2014

Welcome to Summer!

Summer started today, yay!  Yep, we checked the calendar and it IS the 21st.  Bonus, it has started out this morning with some sunshine.
Moe says:
 Breakfast first, then I take up my post at the window.  Lots of activity outside in the yard.
I keep both eyes on that tasty looking squirrel....and at times, the tasty looking chipmunk.
Mindy says:
At last, I have the bed all to myself.   I am not in any hurry whatsoever to rush into this first day of summer.   I prefer to savor it.
Cookie says:
I need a few more zzzzzz's before I get up.....unless 'breakfeast' is about to be served!
 Mike says:
Don't call me late for breakfast...... I am just resting my eyes, I can still hear even when you think I am not listening.
Because summer has officially started, things in our garden are growing and blooming, take a look:
 These columbine plants sow themselves all around our yard...sometimes there are light pink ones.

This is our magnolia tree which blooms later than other varities in our neighborhood.  It is called Oyama , a Japanese variety.
If you are in the northern hemisphere, have a great first day of summer otherwise have a great first day of winter!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We hope we will all have a lovely summer!

The Chans


What gorgeous photos!

Fuzzy Tales said...

I've never seen that kind of magnolia, it's beautiful!

Happy Summer Solstice to you all from the boys and from me. Let's hope summer lingers this, right into November. LOL.

Sparkle said...

We are enjoying some awesome sun puddles today!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Happy summer :)
My mom-person love your Magnolia !
Have never seen that kind before either.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is an unusual and pretty Magnolia. Silly mum said it looks like plate of prawn crackers with a strawberry in the middle.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure do look ready for summer!

The Island Cats said...

It looks like summer is off to a great start!

Katnip Lounge said...

We pretty much snoozed our way right into summer, too!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Thank you for your comforting words about my Tigris. Much appreciated. Have a lovely week.