Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Good Bye Sunshine - Hello Blizzard

I have been looking out of our window this evening and we have enjoyed a very nice and sunny, but cold day.

This is the view of the last rays of sunshine, maybe for a while

Here is another ray
It is sunset.

Sometime tonight and into tomorrow, which will be Wednesday
we are getting lots of snow and wind, a blizzard in other words.

Arrrrh, not the news I wanted to hear!  I prefer my window watching to be full of signs of squirrels and birdies.

 I am glad that this heating pad is turned on, snowstorms bring on high and cold winds

I think that I will take a long winter's nap

 Sounds good to me Cookie, I will do the same!  I got the best chair, the best spot.

I intend to eat and sleep - or is it sleep and eat?
I'm too tired to figure this out.  Plus I need to distribute more hair on the new sofa... makes it.....comfortable!

Wish us well during Wednesday!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Maybe it will track off the coast instead. Paws crossed. We're in another polar vortex here (apparently we set a new record low last night), but it's supposed to "warm up" enough to snow on the weekend!

Stay cosy and warm...and let's all wish for an early spring!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

TT...we hope ya due knot haza blizzard...we just had one two weekz bak...hope de food serviss gurl haz plentee oh fresh water perch, mackerull, trout N flounder on stand by..canned goods two...her still haz time ta get in sum fishin N get ta de store if knot !!!



Those were beautiful photos of the sunset and sunbeams. WE hope your winter storm does not last long and you can see those beautiful beams and critters out your windows again.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I hope the worst of the blizzard misses you. Napping is the best thing to do when the weather is bad.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all take care and keep plenty cozy warm please!

Mickey's Musings said...

We are not too happy to see the sun go away for another blizzard!
Mom is not too happy either, but she is smart.
She will stay home with us and watch
it blow ;)
Purrs from your furcousins,
Georgia and Julie,
and Angels Tiger and Tillie

The Island Cats said...

Oh no! We hope the blizzard doesn't last long...and the sun comes back soon. Stay safe!

Sparkle said...

Stay warm and cozy, kitties!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Mindy looks pretty devastated to learn about this impending blizzard!

Stay safe and warm, furriends!

Anonymous said...
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Charliepuss said...

Oh no. Stay warm and safe during the blizzard. Eat lots too. You MUST keep your strength up!

Dma said...

blizzard is a dirty word in our house. we are ready for spring...

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Love that photo of Mindy..

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So how much snow did you end up getting?

The Chans