Cookie reporting, with assistance: I am home and so glad of it too! Home is best and I can really get a good rest now.
I don't remember much since early Thursday when I went to the vet to get my teeth cleaned. Good news is they are clean and I didn't lose any teeth while I was sleeping, but I did lose my sight. It became a big mystery at da vet hospital. The staff made lots of phone calls and got on the internet and it seems that I have about a fifty/fifty chance I will get it back, I figure that is way better than zero.
My beans took me to the emergency clinic for the night. The staff took good care of me, but it was hard to get comfortable, I had a IV in my arm and they gave me oxygen but I didn't feel much like eating or drinking. The place was busy. Mombean said they brought in two large and very sick woofies. Mombean said the front doors at this place were guarded by two big fluffy kitties. Mom thought they probably lived there.
Friday dadbean took me back to the vet clinic and I stayed there until today. Da vet thought it best if I was confined at least for a little while until I get my bearings and learn all over again where things are. So I got sent home wif dis big pet carrier. Take a look,I'm told it is LARGE and roomy enough for me and all my stuff.

Nice gesture, but I don't like it!
My beans bought me a new bed and put it in the PTU, nope, not gonna try it in there. Then mombean brought it out of there. Well, I walked around on it for a while and then I felt sleepy. You know, it's kinda soft and just my size. Ahhhh, I think I will nap now and forget all about the last coupla days.

Oh, almost forgot, THANK YOU so much for all the get well wishes and the encouragement!! This means a lot to me and I will try very hard to get back to my 'old self'......I can say that because I am a senior kitty....'night...ZZZZZZZZZ.
Cookie, we are glad you are home. We are sorry you cannot see,but we will keep purring your sight comes back.If it does not, we know you will be able to adjust.
Have a great snooze in your new bed, Rest is the best, and you deserve a long one :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Tiger, Treasure,JoyJoy and
auntie Nancy
You have been through it girl! We are sooooo happy to hear you are home, we think you will do a lot better there than in a cage at the hospital or the Vet's. WE know your Mom and Dad will do everything to help you ease back into your day to day lifestyle. WE will continue to purr that your sight is restored with some time and care. Now it's just good to lay back relax and make them wait on you paw and tail.
Abby purrs
Hi Cookie. Senior kitties are so dear to us. We are SO glad you are home. You are so right, home is always better. And, you are right, 50/50 chance is much better than zero. We will be purring hard for you that you get your sight back, sweetheart. Nose bumps and purrs.
Cookie, we are glad you are home too...and we are purring that you get your sight back. But we know you will be okay either way.
Oh, Cookie, we're so glad you're home again. Get lots of rest and feel better soon. We send lots of purrs and wags for you to regain your sight.
Cookie sending you huge purrs and prayers that you get your eyesight back, yes a 50/50 chance is HOPE!!
Kitties are amazingly resilient though and I thnk you are going to know where everything is in short order.
I am so touched by your Mom buying you that wonderful new bed. I don't blame you for not wanting to be in the PTU.
You must be scared, wondering what is going on. Wish I could give you scritches and kisses
Purring and praying for you!
We are sooo Happy you are home among familiar things! You rest, and we'll purr. Paws crossed that your sight comes back, and soon.
Hi again, we are back to make a confess. We snuck a copy of you, Cookie, and put it in the right side bar of our site with a note we are purring for you to get your sight back. It also has a link back to your site here. We hope that's okay. You take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Schön, dass er wieder zu Hause ist, das tut ihm bestimmt gut. Ich hoffe es wird wieder alles gut.
Leider ist mein Englisch ganz schlecht, deswegen muss ich in Deutsch schreiben.
LG und ein schönes Wochenende.
Cookie we are relieved you are home and we are gonna PURR and PURR for yoo to get yoor sight back. Rest and recuperate well. Smoochies.
We're purring hard and crossing all of our 20 paws for you, Cookie.
The Chans and Tom The Woofie
Cookie, we're continuing to purr and purray for you, hoping you recover full sight. *Kitty kisses*
Sweetest Cookie, we are sending you our best pawsitive purrs and lots of hugs.
Aaah, cookie you are home, the very best place to be, and a new bed too. It looks comfy. So you rest up and we will continue sending big purrs for you to get your sight back pronto.
Gerry & Oliver
Cookie, I'm so glad to hear that you are back at home. I'll bet you are much more comfy there. I hope you will get your eyesight back soon, but I know that kitties without eyesight can still adjust and be happy!
We are glad you are back home Cookie. We are sending our strongest purrs for you to get better and get your sight back.
We are so happy that you are home again Cookie and we are purring and praying that your sight will return!!!
My brofur Kit and I are purring hard for you, Cookie. We're glad you're home.
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