Friday, March 26, 2010

Food Finding Friday

Look, a grand discovery! Such a dee-licious smell, I need to check this out more carefully.

Humph, busted! I didn't even get to lick any at all, not a crumb. And it's the crumb part I wanted - not the sticky dates.

Time to go into hunting mode. Lessee, a bag of Temptations was in dis cupboard.

Hey, Mike, check this out.

Moe, you goof, these are band-aids.

I got 'em this time, Mike.

You're hopeless Moe, these are cough drops.

Mindy: now watch ME get those Temptations. "Mombean, please. You know you can't resist my plea, plus I''m cute"

There guys, easy peasy.

We hope everyone has a great 'food finding Friday'


Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my goodness!! You can come to our house anytime Mindy and get our Mom to give us treats, too!!
Hello from our TX furiends,

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You gave an absolutely irrestible look. How could that not earn you treats?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That certainly did the trick.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You have your mom wrapped around your paws!!

kanishk said...

its fab
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