Saturday, May 2, 2009

Photo Hunt - Walking

Photo Hunters

The Photo Hunters Scavenger Hunt was started by tnchick, and anyone can play along.

These people are walking over the enormous rocks and enjoying one of the first warm and sunny days of this spring. About 20,000 years ago, this area was covered by glaciers. These eventually melted and shifted, and in doing so, they scraped away huge amounts of rock, vegetation and topsoil. What you see here is granite bedrock, scarred and scraped. The marks, which are still very much in evidence today, were left behind by the melting ice fields.

That's very impressive, but I prefer 'walking' to the kitchen. Far more exciting, to me anyway.

For once I agree with you, Moe. I sure do appreciate my comforts, and I'll leave walking on the rocks to those brave souls in the picture.

Bon Bon:
I am amazed that our 'beans actually went there to get that picture. Sure isn't my thing though, much too far from the food room.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Sandy said...

Love the rock scene..great pic. Mine's up, too...not too creative this week...LOL

Parker said...

Most of our walking happens inside too - it's a lot safer!

The Queen Bee said...

Nice take for this week. I love those kitties. Mine's up too at

The Island Cats said...

When you walk in the kitchen you might find a surprise if someone drops some food on the floor!

Mickey's Musings said...

We're with you guys!!! WALKING to the kitchen is way more fun :) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I'd rather walk to the kitchen as well!

jams o donnell said...

Haha I note that my furry masters are never that far from the food bowls either! Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Good to see the 3 of you again! Enjoy your weekend...

Jasmim said...

I loved the image of the first picture =)
Clearly, walk to the kitchen is the best option ;D

Jas & Gi

The Florida Furkids said...

We do all of our walking inside the house too - we don't want to get too far from the food, water, potty and nap places!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Devil Dog said...

You're back! Hallelujah! We've missed you so. Great rocks in that photo. Thinking that the glaciers caused those marks is really cool.


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

The picture is nice, but we'd rather walk around here.

Ailurophile said...

Great pictures! A walk to the kitchen is always more rewarding though :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Moe, Mindy and Bono, you are 3 smart cats! Now I'll have to walk to the kitchen and see what might be in there to snack on ;-)

Cliff and Olivia said...

Walking to the kitchen is always a good idea ;-) But I really like to take the Humans for walks on their leash too. I don't know if I'd dare to walk them on those rocks though...
