Saturday, March 21, 2009

Photo Hunt - Yellow

Photo Hunters

The Photo Hunters Scavenger Hunt was started by tnchick, and anyone can play along.

When we went looking in our photos for 'yellow' to join in this week's Photo Hunt, we wondered what there would be and expected a search. Quite quickly we came across these photos taken by mom last fall. They are, um, well, unusual. Close-ups of fungus, a kind of plant, or maybe an organism. Well, whatever they are, we think strange is the word.

Maybe they're 'shrooms!
Here's 'shroom #1 - very yellow.

...and here's 'shroom #2 - not so yellow.

We prefer catnip.


The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow, those shrooms are furry cool looking!! Our mom says shroom #2 looks groovy, whatever that means.

Have a great weekend!

The Island Cats said...

We agree...catnip is better than yellow shrooms!

Southbaygirl said...

Hi guys...what cool looking mushrooms!

We are looking forward to the weekend! Mom is going to spend the entire time with us!! We hope you have a good weekend as well!

Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Those are some neat pictures. We have never seen any shrooms like those.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely colored shrooms :)

Happy weekend!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Stay away from the 'shrooms, even if they're pretty yellow. Catnip is where it's at ;-)

Daisy said...

I think they might be little umbrellas for magical faeries!

Mickey's Musings said...

Those are pretty funky looking shrooms :O
We bet they don't taste as good as nip ;)
WE like your face pics too :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Poppy said...

Woah! Those mushrooms are very scary. Make sure you do not eat them!!!


Jasmim said...

These mushrooms are so adorable! The desire to bite *¬*

Jas & Gi

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dear~
I haven't seem mushroom looks like these 2 before, it's amazing!!!
Thanks for sharing!

The Devil Dog said...

The shrooms are great. I once ate about six of them. Mom couldn't figure out where they went. Then she found the paper towel they were on on the floor, by me. Uh oh!


The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahaha - you have good taste! We prefer nip too - but the mushrooms LOOK awesome!

Cliff and Olivia said...

Those are strange indeed - we'd prefer nip any day!

P.s. We've given you an award. You can pick it up on our blog :-)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those shrooms are interesting but I prefer catnip too!

Unknown said...

Oh..lookie at those 'shrooms! Can I has em? Nom Nom ... oh wait, maybe it's not a good idea@

Karen Jo said...

Your 'shrooms are lovely to look at, but don't bite them.

Mickey's Musings said...

We like the porch. It is warm and we watch Mom raking the leaves. When she is done ,she brings in some grass!!!!!
YUM :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Tiger Lily said...

Hi my friends. It has been a long time since you posts and I hope you are all OK! I gave you an award on my blog today so come on over and get it!