We hope everyone had a good Christmas and got spoiled lots. Our mombean got up early Christmas morning and put a stuffed turkey roll in the oven before going over to
Mickey's house to say "Merry Christmas" to him, Georgia and Tillie. It takes about an hour to get there, but mom didn't mind because it was a beautiful clear day. Mickey's mombean was coming to our house because we invited her to dinner. She's in this picture behind the person walking by!

Who you CAN see, is Tall Son with Mike. Mike has to be in the middle of everything and doesn't want to miss anything.
Here is Mindy. She thought the green Christmas stocking looked very good with her furs. She applied quite a few furs on that sock.

Moe is keeping watch in the window and from the back of the other sofa he can see how the gift opening is coming along. He is waiting for someone to open his mega bag of Temptations.

Don't know if you knew that Bon Bon is a 'lap cat' or not. Here his is with the other sonbean demanding some scritches and some attention.

We had a lovely day on Christmas, just being together, sharing some delicious foods and opening some fun gifts.
Mombean took this silly picture with a new memory card she got for her camera. For once dat camera was not pointed at us!

We hope that everyone enjoyed a peaceful and joyous Christmas.