Mindy: I am still enjoying my table-by-the-window. In this spot I can watch everything that is going on and still keep track of anything going on outside da window too. I like to watch the hummingbirds at the feeder. There is one bird that claims it for its very own and chases all the other hummers away.
Entertaining for me.

We are giving out hugs and purrs today to anyone who needs them, and have a great day everyone.
Banana bread and Moe~! I think that is a perfect match~! Very warm~!!! And small great~! I am glad you can taste a little bit :)
Mindy~! You also look great today~!!
I like the way you reach your toes :>
That picture frame looks really neat, especially with your pictures inside!
nom nom nom nom I've never tried banana bread. I wonder if Pixie has. I'll bet she likes it too. It is no fair that you only got a little piece.
Hi Mindy, I think I may be like that hummingbird if I had kitty siblings. My bowl! My food! I'll bet he is lots of fun.
Banana bread sounds good. But then I love to eat!
You have wierd tastes Moe!!!! But I guess Pixie likes bananers so,maybe you are not so wierd,heehee
Mindy I can see that hummingbirds would be fun to watch! They are so fast!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog! Mommy would feed you all the banana bread you wanted cause you are so cute!!
Yoo must be like Mini. She'll eat anyfing. hehehe
I love banana bread. I'm not surprised you like it, Moe, it's very good! I think your Mum should give you a little bit more before it's all gone.
I like what your Mum did with both of your pictures. Very nice!
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