Monday, October 15, 2007

A Treat for Mancat Monday

Dad is offering me a treat - I can almost reach it. I have a long reach and I am lightening fast. Dad says I need my nails trimmed, heh, heh.


Mickey's Musings said...

So, what kind of treat was it? Huh? Huh? Was it worth maybe gitt'n yer nails cut ? Huh?Huh?

The Meezers or Billy said...

was it ham? was it ham? was it? huh? huh? was it ham? - Miles

Anonymous said...

Was it worth the work? I hope so! You look very manly there!

Ramses said...

Pawdicures are BAD! Have a good Monday, I'll be back tomorrow once I've removed Tigmut'hep from my blog spot...

The Devil Dog said...

We got our nails trimmed, or rather, grinded, yesterday. But we always get a whole bone treat after, so it was worth it.


Sunny's Mommy said...

You look like a very big and strong mancat in that picture.

Parker said...

Was it HAM! HAM! HAM!? (I really like HAM!)

None said...

Oh No! They are using a treat to lure you in and cut your nails!!! I have only gotten my nails cut once so far and I did not enjoy it at all but the worse part of it is I didn't even receive a treat!

Daisy said...

That's how my Mommie holds treats up when I am posing. Otherwise I get too distracted to look at the camera.

You look very intense, Moe! I hope you got a good treat.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Nail trimming? Run!!!

I hope the treat was worth it...

Karen Jo said...

I hope the treat was a good one.

Thank you so much for your support. My sister-in-law continues to improve.