Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Mike:  This is how I am going to spend today - I highly recommend this method.

The thankful part of this post is - we have a new computer, the old one kept losing its mind, well actually its memory.    It took us a few days to break it in - under my supervision of course, which is probably why it took so much time.

Have a great day everyone!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Oooh, a new computer, very exciting! Now your humans will have no excuse to slack off on blogging for you!

Marg said...

That does look like a great nap and the nose is being kept warm with that wonderful tail of yours. Glad you got a new computer. That is always exciting. Take care.

Marilia said...

Have a great day too!!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

mike...yea, sum times even stickin like... perch... in de hard drive will knot help a computoorz......grate eye dea on nappin...we R gonna give that a try heer ina few two !!! enjoy yur thurzday :)

Sparkle said...

Paws up for naps and new computers!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy snoozing Mike :)
Bet all that snoopervising got you tired out!!!!! heehee
Purrs from your furcousins,
Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

The Island Cats said...

Mike, we think you have the right idea on how spend the day.

Charliepuss said...

Love the way you are soending your day.